Through coordination with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Larimer County Law Enforcement Agencies participate in the bi-annual Drug Take Back Program in April and October. Larimer County also has several locations that allow for the safe disposal of unused medication. Drop-off locations include the Fort Collins Police Services building, located at 2221 S. Timberline Rd, as well as other year-round drop-off locations.

- If you missed DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, you can still take advantage of year-round drop-off locations.
- Clean out your medicine cabinets and help prevent drug misuse before it starts.
- The Center for Disease Control and Prevention predicts 14,675 people died last year of prescription opioid poisoning or overdose.
- You can drop off your old, unneeded, or unused medications at one of the more than 16,500 pharmacies, hospitals, and businesses, working to help clean out medicine cabinets throughout the year. In addition, many police departments provided year-round drop boxes.